Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Marathon Training

I have always been a runner. There have been times in my life when I had to run (from people or dogs/animals or "authorities"), times when I was on a team that ran (track team), times when I ran to blow off steam etc.

This is the first time since High School where I have had a clear running regiment that was leading to a set goal. Funny thing is that I am learning a lot about myself in this process.

Nobody has ever accused me of having a incredible work ethic. I have an average "drive" in life. I was and am a "B" student (although in seminary i think I have bested that so far). I do have short bursts of intensely highly driven times when I am working on a certain "project" that I am really passionate about but then the project ends and so does the drive. My drive is really up and down instead of consistent.

When I decided to run a ridiculous 26.2miles a good friend of mine gave me a training plan. It is a good plan. He told me that if I could stick to the plan then I'd be set and have no problem finishing the marathon. Just one problem. I'm having a hard time sticking to the plan. My drive to reach my goal comes in bursts and then fizzles out. I think in the long run it will make this whole process as well as reaching my goal much more difficult.

In our youth ministries we use a curriculum called XP3. The series we are doing is called "road signs" and is based out of Proverbs as well as a principal that Andy Stanley has kind of "coined" that says "The path that you are on, not your intentions, determine your destination."

I find that I rely on my "intentions" a lot to get me where I want to go or be.
I read a post from John Piper the other day titled "When You Don't Want to do What you Ought To" that I really liked and was very personal to me.

The encouragement for me was:
You can seek, by grace, to have God give the "want to" so that when the time comes to do the "ought to," you will "want to." Ultimately, the "want to" is a gift of God.

I posted a quote on facebook and twitter the other day that said, "don't let the reasons you are who you are become excuses for not being who you could/should be".
That was directed at myself and if someone else read it and liked it then great.

Honestly, I never thought to pray for more "want to", for more drive.
You better believe that I am prayin' for it now though!

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