Wednesday, November 12, 2008


American Christianity (if you can even call it that) needs a reformation! I'm talking Martin Luther type reformation. And maybe not only reformation but a re-formation!
And the sad thing is we need the same desired outcome that Luther was fighting for, accept the Word of God is not kept from us like it was them! It is avail to us in English in 17 different versions! Luther wanted the people to have the Word because He believed that The Holy Spirit speaking through the scriptures to people, makes people change. And he was right! Before I head to far down this road let's look at how Christianity is defined by people between the ages of 16-29 that are not Christians.

When asked which words describe Christians here were their top 10.
(This info is taken from the very detailed study by the Barna Group and is written in the book Unchristian which you all should buy and read!)
1) Anti-Homosexual
2) Judgemental
3) Hypocritical
4) Old-fashioned
5) Too involved in politics
6) Out of touch with reality
7) Insensitive to others
8) Boring
9) Not accepting of other faiths
10) Confusing

Now accept for the last one, maybe, which of those words would have been used to describe Christ? NONE OF THEM!
Why are we described that way? What happened to the Christianity that Jesus modeled for us? Where and when did we loose our way? What caused it?
I'm not even gonna begin to try and answer those questions. Sure I have thoughts and I understand that knowing where you have come is important to knowing where you are going but we had better make some SIGNIFICANT shifts in the direction we are headed because there isn't much that is attractive about this American Christianity and it will only get worse if we let it.

Getting back to Luther and the other reformers that understood the significance of reading,
knowing and studying scripture over tradition how are we as a nation doing with that? I hear it said over and over that this generation in JH and HS now is the most Biblically
illiterate generation this country has ever seen. It saddens me to say, but, being as I work with that generation I wouldn't necessarily argue that point.

Willow Creek has recently produced findings from some big time surveys they have done that started in their church and has now spread across the country. They wanted to know what causes spiritual growth in people and guess what the number 1 catalyst for spiritual growth is..........
Reflection on scripture!!!

What can we do to change the views that the non-Christians around us have of Christians? It can't start with trying. It can't start with better church marketing. It can't start with more relevant teaching or anything else. It must start with each and every Christian
{ pause} Let me define what I mean by "Christian". I do not mean the religion or a title. I mean Christianity as a lifestyle sold out to following Christ and HIS teachings. I mean a life of sanctification where the Holy Spirit is doing the work and we are doing our part as He chooses to use us. {un-pause}
reacquainting themselves with the inerrant, God-breathed, God authored Scriptures.
I believe that if we do that, those labels will melt away because we will be changed. Not into what we are told to be or what we think we should be like but into who God has made us to be...his true image. His clay to form. His instruments to use. We will be reflections of Him to the world. And if we are true reflections of Him to the world those things will not be true about Christians like they are now.

God help us to acquire a passion and hunger for your Word like never before.
Bring a reformation! Bring a revival!

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