Monday, September 29, 2008

Mom Update

I know that many of you know some of these details already but also that some of you don't and are asking me so...Instead of me trying to explain everything I aksed my mom to send me some details that gives an idea of what is next medically for her in this process...

I’ll have a PET scan and an echocardiogram this week (9/29-10/3). The PET scan looks for cancer in other places and the other test is because the medicine I have to take since I’m HER2 positive can damage the heart. I will have my first chemo treatment on October 9th and a shot to boost my immune system on Oct, 10th.

Right now my main problem is that I keep having to have my lymph nodes drained because the fluid is gathering there and not disbursing. That involves having a shot to lesson the pain and the insertion of big syringes to remove the fluid buildup. The fluid buildup is quite uncomfortable.
The doctor did the draining twice last week and will do it again Monday morning. So I need prayer that my body will adjust so I don’t have to keep having this done.

Thanks so much to all who are praying. I know they are helping to carry me.

Love, Mom

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