Good Morning...The idea is for these questions to start a conversation that will be ongoing amongst us as the leaders God has placed in this ministry. These come from a very humble heart please, do not take offense to any of them. I wrote these to myself directed to me but realized what a benefit it would be for all of us to think through and discuss these things together.
Overarching Questions.
Are we doing ministry with mediocrity? Are we effective?
What traditional models of ministry do we need to re-think?
i.e. small groups, Sunday morning, Wednesday night, Outreach events, etc.
Are we just telling them what to think or are we teaching them how to think?
How can we help make them feel like they are part of the church body and not a separate (kinda forgotten) group?
Guiding Questions
Do we fill our schedule with agenda driven “junk”?
What do we offer them in their overscheduled/overbusy life?
Does ministry business help?
How can we encourage them to take up the cause of those that have lived through or are living with injustices?
Can we create and offer some sort of an online community?
Do we give them opportunities to truly enter God’s presence?
What are some ways we can give them to connect “golcally”? global and local
Do they see ministry opportunities as kingdom advancement or just an experience for them to consume and move on?
What are some ways we can let them show/express their creativity?
Do they know how they fit into God’s plan? Are they participating?
How can we teach them to engage culture and not run from it?
Is their spiritual life separate from their “regular life”?
Do we need to de-centralize our ministry? What does that look like?
Do we just proclaim or do we guide them?
Guides are on a journey and participating with followers.
Guides interpret culture around them.
Guides are healers.
Guides are theologians, philosophers and artists.
Are we meeting needs in our community? Who are our district reps?
Move from Orthodoxy to Orthopraxy...
Are we concerned with being right or living right?
What kind of vision are we giving them to carry?
Are we program driven or people driven? not numerically but relationally
Questions specific to leaders lives
Are we modeling a passionate pursuit of God? Shouldn’t it be contagious? If it isn’t, what is getting in the way?
We want them to be transparent...are we? They are seeking authenticity!
Do we model, not just teach loving acceptance even toward those “living in sin” while not condoning the sin? i.e. gays/lesbians, living together before marriage, going out partying and participating in drinking or drugs, etc.
Comment from Gina,
helping them to take up a cause or live a life of service-?
maybe some individual group projects-help out with DVBC member needs- ie. shut ins, elderly. Volunteer somewhere that they choose- child crisis nursery
phoenix rescue mission- whatever they have on their heart. Give them some ownership of planning . Encourage them to take their part in helping those who are living with injustice- locally and then globally. What if each of us shared our passions with them, and then let them know how and when they could participate- scheduled events needing volunteers etc. Jr. High is scheduled to work at St. Marys food bank in January. Michael talked about a time that did sack lunches/care packages for the homeless- That is awesome!!
Comment from Mike Mac,
One thing I truly brought back from Atlanta's convention is a renewed dedication, again as Gina said, to make God's Word the center of any small group setting. Book discussions, set ciriculum may all have it's place. But I believe most of these students don't have an accurate understanding of the Scriptures. I will let God's Word speak to them and trust the Holy Spirit will transform as He will. I also am commited to making time for them to become silent before God and ask Him to teach ask God their questions in order to allow God to become what He is to these kids......REAL. I want to create enviroments to help them realize they are in His presence and focus their hearts and minds upon Him. On Wednesday night I had all the boys in the main auditorium with all the lights off, told them to spread out, not to talk, and to get comfortable. I then proceeded to read God's word by candle light and allow them to be completely quiet and simply hear God speak to them. It was only the first time we'd done anything this "radical" and the group as a whole seemed to agree they heard God's Word in a different way. I pray God will be at the center of my small group and our youth ministry always.
Comment from Dave B.,
Since we are new to the groups, I don't know all the kids and where they are spiritually. I completely agree with the feedback I have read from Mike, Howie, and Gina that God's Word should be the focal point of the ministry. However, unlike adults, these kids may not be able to process the information as we can. It seems that it would be more effective to minister to kids where they are. Obviously, we cannot effectively share God's Word individually with each student due to time constraints. However, right now it seems that we get them together to bond in some activity, then pew them back up and preach at them. At that point, many appear to disconnect. Is there a way we can share the message, say in a circle, with more interaction, so that they feel free to interactive, ask questions, etc.?
I would love to see where kids are at and then be able to help them by giving them specific scripture to help them where they are at. Additionally, this may help kids connect with specific leaders that could lead to emails, phone calls, get togethers, etc. It will also give those who won't readily participate in large groups and opportunity to share who they are and what they struggle with. This would allow us to connect with them on a personal level so that they feel more important, needed and special.
Ive never blogged before but I've seen bigfoot in 86' an'that was a crazy mudblog ...ok that was dumb.
....I really am letting "Pastor Mike"'s message about common relationships built on trust sink in it is truly the "way" relationships brought me to Christ. not any "preaching" per say...and i'll bet most would say the same. I really love the insight.Let's roll with that.. later-h
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